Prophän | The Age Of Decay عصر الاضمحلال (CS) [OSM019]

OSM Tapes

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Prophän | The Age Of Decay عصر الاضمحلال
Label: OSM tapes – OSM019
Format: Cassette, EP
Released| 15 Nov 2021

Nothing is free, nothing is given. Everything worthy only comes with struggle and sacrifice.

The Age Of Decay عصر الاضمحلال is a 6 track EP mixing punk spirit represented by grimy soundscapes, dirty guitars and tortured vocals with religious and eschatonic references.
It is also an intimate and personal story that narrates the recent period the artist has been going trough, where the unexpected happened with new feelings emerging, feeling that he doesn't know how to express yet. Hopefully this release gives an accurate picture of those feelings.

Feelings of decaying, disappearing and falling, but whatever falls has to bounce back as the sequencing of the tracks suggest, in the side A, the first ambient melancholic track is here to accept the defeats and the fact that maybe we have reached the end of times, or at least the artist did reach the end of his time, but it's followed by energetic rebellious pieces that promote destruction and violence to feel alive.

The B side displays another era, where the artist is led to believe that, after all, there are some dreams he's not allowed to have... and it's almost relaxing to hide inside this statement because it means he has no responsibility in what happens to him, but then a new energy is found in "The blood of my guts", it's the last energy, the one that doesn't care about anything or anyone, the one that gives courage to take on life again in a deadly 1 vs 1. You will lose a part of yourself in that fight but it is necessary to go trough it, you will be damaged for life, but you will live.
Finally side B ends with the final realization that there is no future in this dear country the artist calls homeland, and it has abandonned all those who work for it until the opposite is proven true.

I have decayed, not a lot of me remains, but what remains must carry on.  

- Comes w/ Bandcamp DL Code + A6 Postard.

A1   When The Sun Rises From The West عندما تشرق الشمس من الغرب
A2   Give Me What's Mine عطيني ديالي
A3   Even The Worthless Rose حتى الحقير حقد
B1   The Dreams I'm Not Allowed To Have الأحلام الممنوعة
B2   The Blood From My Guts دم جوفي
B3   My Homeland Abandoned Me بلادي فيا سمحات

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